You all know Dakota Fanning, 14 year-old that actress has appeared along side amazing actors and actresses like Tom Cruise, Brittney Murphy and Queen Latifa. Her recent accomplishments include the voice of Coraline Jones in Coraline. A "watcher" Cassie Holmes in Push. But will Twilight become a film in her acting career?
Though Jane, the most deadly of the Volturi Guard, may be petite, blonde and angel-faced, it's no ammature acting. You might say that Fanning isn't an ammature but personally, I think that she won't be able to pull it off, as how I imagined Jane anyway. She may look like how Jane is supposed to look, but the intenstity isn't there, at least I don't see it.
Apparently, the there were no auditions, the directors and producers of Twilight just offered her the part. Hopefully I'm wrong about her, though. I'd hate to put my faith in New Moon to let it fall just because Fanning is crappy at portraying Jane.
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